NTypes.h | Header file for common NiXPS Library types |
NOContentStreamNavigator.h | Header file for NOContentStreamNavigator class |
NOCoreProperties.h | Header file for NOCoreProperties class |
NODocument.h | Header file for NODocument class |
NOException.h | Header file for NOException class |
NOFont.h | Header file for NOFont class |
NOFontVector.h | Header file for NOFontVector class |
NOImage.h | Header file for NOImage class |
NOImageVector.h | Header file for NOImageVector class |
NOLibrary.h | Header file for NOLibrary class |
NOPackage.h | Header file for NOPackage class |
NOPage.h | Header file for NOPage class |
NOPartWithResources.h | Header file for NOPartWithResources class |
NOProgressReporter.h | Header file for NOProgressReporter class |
NOString.h | Header file for NOString class |
NOThumbnail.h | Header file for NOThumbnail class |
NOVector.h | Header file for NOVector class |
NOXArcSegment.h | Header file for the NOXArcSegment class |
NOXBreak.h | Header file for the NOXBreak class |
NOXCanvas.h | Header file for the NOXCanvas class |
NOXClrIntMode.h | Header file for the NOXClrIntMode class |
NOXCP_Brush.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Brush class |
NOXCP_Geometry.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Geometry class |
NOXCP_GradientStops.h | Header file for the NOXCP_GradientStops class |
NOXCP_LinkTargets.h | Header file for the NOXCP_LinkTargets class |
NOXCP_Outline.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Outline class |
NOXCP_Resources.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Resources class |
NOXCP_Transform.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Transform class |
NOXCP_Visual.h | Header file for the NOXCP_Visual class |
NOXDashCap.h | Header file for the NOXDashCap class |
NOXDocumentOutline.h | Header file for the NOXDocumentOutline class |
NOXDocumentReference.h | Header file for the NOXDocumentReference class |
NOXDocumentStructure.h | Header file for the NOXDocumentStructure class |
NOXEdgeMode.h | Header file for the NOXEdgeMode class |
NOXFigure.h | Header file for the NOXFigure class |
NOXFillRule.h | Header file for the NOXFillRule class |
NOXFixedDocument.h | Header file for the NOXFixedDocument class |
NOXFixedDocumentSequence.h | Header file for the NOXFixedDocumentSequence class |
NOXFixedPage.h | Header file for the NOXFixedPage class |
NOXFragmentType.h | Header file for the NOXFragmentType class |
NOXGlyphs.h | Header file for the NOXGlyphs class |
NOXGradientStop.h | Header file for the NOXGradientStop class |
NOXImageBrush.h | Header file for the NOXImageBrush class |
NOXLinearGradientBrush.h | Header file for the NOXLinearGradientBrush class |
NOXLineCap.h | Header file for the NOXLineCap class |
NOXLineJoin.h | Header file for the NOXLineJoin class |
NOXLinkTarget.h | Header file for the NOXLinkTarget class |
NOXList.h | Header file for the NOXList class |
NOXListItem.h | Header file for the NOXListItem class |
NOXMappingMode.h | Header file for the NOXMappingMode class |
NOXMatrixTransform.h | Header file for the NOXMatrixTransform class |
NOXMLPartBased.h | Header file for NOXMLPartBased class |
NOXNamedElement.h | Header file for the NOXNamedElement class |
NOXOutlineEntry.h | Header file for the NOXOutlineEntry class |
NOXPageContent.h | Header file for the NOXPageContent class |
NOXParagraph.h | Header file for the NOXParagraph class |
NOXPath.h | Header file for the NOXPath class |
NOXPathFigure.h | Header file for the NOXPathFigure class |
NOXPathGeometry.h | Header file for the NOXPathGeometry class |
NOXPolyBezierSegment.h | Header file for the NOXPolyBezierSegment class |
NOXPolyLineSegment.h | Header file for the NOXPolyLineSegment class |
NOXPolyQuadraticBezierSegment.h | Header file for the NOXPolyQuadraticBezierSegment class |
NOXRadialGradientBrush.h | Header file for the NOXRadialGradientBrush class |
NOXResourceDictionary.h | Header file for the NOXResourceDictionary class |
NOXSection.h | Header file for the NOXSection class |
NOXSolidColorBrush.h | Header file for the NOXSolidColorBrush class |
NOXSpreadMethod.h | Header file for the NOXSpreadMethod class |
NOXStory.h | Header file for the NOXStory class |
NOXStoryFragment.h | Header file for the NOXStoryFragment class |
NOXStoryFragmentReference.h | Header file for the NOXStoryFragmentReference class |
NOXStoryFragments.h | Header file for the NOXStoryFragments class |
NOXStyleSimulations.h | Header file for the NOXStyleSimulations class |
NOXSweepDirection.h | Header file for the NOXSweepDirection class |
NOXTable.h | Header file for the NOXTable class |
NOXTableCell.h | Header file for the NOXTableCell class |
NOXTableRow.h | Header file for the NOXTableRow class |
NOXTableRowGroup.h | Header file for the NOXTableRowGroup class |
NOXTileMode.h | Header file for the NOXTileMode class |
NOXViewUnits.h | Header file for the NOXViewUnits class |
NOXVisualBrush.h | Header file for the NOXVisualBrush class |
NTCorePropertyType.h | Header file for core property types |
NTError.h | Header file for error types |
NTImageFormat.h | Header file for image types |
NOContentStreamNavigator.cpp | Implementation of the NOContentStreamNavigator class |
NOCoreProperties.cpp | Implementation of the NOCoreProperties class |
NODocument.cpp | Implementation of the NODocument class |
NOFont.cpp | Implementation of the NOFont class |
NOFontVector.cpp | Implementation of the NOFontVector class |
NOImage.cpp | Implementation of the NOImage class |
NOImageVector.cpp | Implementation of the NOImageVector class |
NOLibrary.cpp | Implementation of the NOLibrary class |
NOPackage.cpp | Implementation of the NOPackage class |
NOPage.cpp | Implementation of the NOPage class |
NOPartWithResources.cpp | Implementation of the NOPartWithResources class |
NOProgressReporter.cpp | Implementation of the NOProgressReporter class |
NOString.cpp | Implementation of the NOString class |
NOThumbnail.cpp | Implementation of the NOThumbnail class |
NOVector.cpp | Implementation of the NOVector class |