NiXPSObjects::NOImage Class Reference

#include "NOImage.h"

Inherits NiXPSObjects::NOPartBased.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const NCommon::UTF8String getFileName ()
NCommon::Image::Format getFormat ()
void writeImageToFile (const NCommon::UTF8Char *destinationPath)
bool getImageData (NCommon::UInt8 *pBuffer, NCommon::UInt32 pSize)
NCommon::UInt32 getImageSize () const
NCommon::UInt32 getWidthInPixels () const
NCommon::UInt32 getHeightInPixels () const
double getXResolution () const
double getYResolution () const
NCommon::Image::ColorType getColorType () const
NCommon::Image::BitDepth getBitDepth () const

Detailed Description

Class representing an image in an XPS package

Member Function Documentation

bool NiXPSObjects::NOImage::getImageData ( NCommon::UInt8 pBuffer,
NCommon::UInt32  pSize 

Fill a buffer with the image data

pBuffer The buffer that will contain the image data upon successful completion
pSize The size of the buffer. This operation will fail if the size of the buffer is smaller than the image size returned by getImageSize()
True upon successful completion, false otherwise
void NiXPSObjects::NOImage::writeImageToFile ( const NCommon::UTF8Char *  destinationPath  ) 

Write the image to the path destinationPath. Overwrites if file already exists.

destinationPath UTF-8 encoded string describing the path to write the file to. The path is seperated by forward slashes ('/').

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri Nov 13 18:23:22 2009 for NiXPS Library SDK by  doxygen 1.6.1