NiXPSObjects::NOSelection Class Reference

#include "NOSelection.h"

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

NCommon::UInt32 getNumberOfSelectedObjects ()
NCommon::UInt32 getSelectedObjectID (NCommon::UInt32 pIndex)
NiXPSObjects::NOBase getSelectedObject (NCommon::UInt32 pIndex)
bool hasObject (NCommon::UInt32 pId)

Detailed Description

Class to manage selected objects on a page. Selected objects are the ones that are shown with their bounding box in green in NiXPS Edit. This is not the same as textselections where it is possible to select only a part of a text object.

Member Function Documentation

NCommon::UInt32 NiXPSObjects::NOSelection::getNumberOfSelectedObjects (  ) 

Gets the C-safe NOSelectionHandler from this object.

Return the number of selected objects

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri Nov 13 18:23:23 2009 for NiXPS Library SDK by  doxygen 1.6.1