NiPDF is the newest creation of electronic document specialist NiXPS NV.
It is a .NET assembly that dramatically simplifies generating PDF in .NET.
NiPDF is a .NET DLL that you reference in your .NET solution, and allows you to convert a WPF FixedDocument to a PDF documents just like that.
NiPDF has a very simple API that takes in a FixedDocument, or an XPS file, and writes out a PDF file. All drawing and document compositing can be done use the regular WPF tools available in .NET.
The SDK is fully managed code, it does not depend on any non-managed native or legacy code.
The PDF generator keeps text and vectors intact, resulting a small, high quality, fully searchable PDFs.
NiPDF Whitepaper
Learn more about the features and capabilities of the NiPDF SDK.
Licensing Overview
Read here about the various licensing options for our NiPDF SDK.