NCommon::CoreProperty Namespace Reference


enum  Type {
  Category = 0, ContentStatus = 1, ContentType = 2, Created = 3,
  Creator = 4, Description = 5, Identifier = 6, Keywords = 7,
  Language = 8, LastModifiedBy = 9, LastPrinted = 10, Modified = 11,
  Revision = 12, Subject = 13, Title = 14, Version = 15

Detailed Description

The namespace for the core property related types and methods

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NCommon::CoreProperty::Type

A description of the enum type.

Category  Open Packaging Conventions The category. This value is typically used by UI applications to create navigation controls.
ContentStatus  Open Packaging Conventions The status of the content. Example values include "Draft", "Reviewed", and "Final".
ContentType  Open Packaging Conventions The type of content represented, generally defined by a specific use and intended audience. Example values include "Whitepaper", "Security Bulletin", and "Exam". (This property is distinct from MIME content types as defined in RFC 2616.)
Created  Dublin Core Date of creation of the resource.
Creator  Dublin Core An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
Description  Dublin Core An account of the content of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content.
Identifier  Dublin Core An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Keywords  Open Packaging Conventions A delimited set of keywords to support searching and indexing. This is typically a list of terms that are not available elsewhere in the properties.
Language  Dublin Core A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
LastModifiedBy  Open Packaging Conventions The user who performed the last modification. The identification is environment-specific and can consist, for example, of a name, email address, or employee ID. It is recommended that this value be as concise as possible.
LastPrinted  Open Packaging Conventions The date and time of the last printing.
Modified  Dublin Core Date on which the resource was changed.
Revision  Open Packaging Conventions The revision number. This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. The application is responsible for updating this value after each revision.
Subject  Dublin Core The topic of the content of the resource.
Title  Dublin Core The name given to the resource.
Version  Open Packaging Conventions The version number. This value is set by the user or by the application.

Generated on Thu Jan 24 10:37:58 2008 for NiXPS Library by  doxygen 1.5.3